• Ary’l


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    Graduate Student

    Hey #speechies 🗣️ I know that graduate school can seem like a daunting journey but it’s important to remind ourselves that we are intelligent, capable, and amazing in every step of the way. Feeding into any type of negative self-talk will only cause our mental health to suffer so we must actively try to combat those feelings that are rooted in imposter syndrome. It’s easier said than done, so I wanted to share 5 things that are important to remember. Let me now if you want a Part 2!

    ⭐️5 things to remember in graduate school

    1. You already have the skills you need to succeed.
    2. Don’t be afraid to ask your questions!
    3. The only people who don’t make mistakes, are the people who don’t try.
    4. Aim to be a better person than you were yesterday, not in comparison to anyone else.
    5. School is just one aspect of your life, it is not everything.

    Which advice resonated with you?

    Profile Picture of Melanie

    Melanie Evans over 1 year

    Bilingual Speech Pathologist

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