Are there any animated videos to help teach Black History?
Black history month wordless videos
Diverse winter holidays
I'm curious to know the diverse winter holidays that you've seen in your practice/throughout your education? Let me know! I've met students who celebrate Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, and Lunar New Year.
Test your knowledge of cld intervention!
I'm creating a practice quiz packet for SLP Praxis preppers! Let's see if you can answer one of the following questions:
You are working with a child who speaks a non-mainstream dialect of English. How would you differentiate between dialectal variations and a language disorder? What interventions might be appropriate for the child?
A) Disregard dialectal variations
B) Use only standardized assessments
C) Recognize dialectal variations, conduct a thorough assessment, and tailor interventions to the child's linguistic background
D) Treat all language variations as disorders
What do you think is the answer? Let me know in the comments!
Most shocking revelations after taking implicit...
Hi all! I'm curious what your biggest discoveries were after taking the implicit bias test? I'll be taking it again soon. You can take it here:
Pronouns and cultural responsiveness?
I'm a graduate student and had a situation where I picked up the wrong child (thinking they were a girl), and their paperwork says they are a boy. What would be the culturally appropriate way to address this situation?
Eye contact goals
When should we add eye contact goals? Or why should we target them if they're deemed culturally inappropriate?