NSA has over 250 chapters across the country, from adult chapters to family chapters, providing support groups and educating parents or caregivers of people who stutter. The organization is spreading awareness about stuttering and letting people who stutter know that it does not limit their abilities.
‘you’re not alone’ – organization offers safe p...
National shortage of speech pathologists leadin...
ORLANDO, Fla. — 9 Investigates discovered that some children aren’t getting the specialized services they need to succeed in school, due to a state and nationwide shortage of speech therapists.
Aphasia: uncovering the causes of and treatment...
Some language function can be restored to someone with aphasia thanks to speech therapy and language stimulation programs.
Innovations in telehealth care offer new resour...
When it comes to providing the best care to Veterans, we don’t let distance slow us down. We always push ourselves to expand our services and improve the way we provide treatment and prevention.
West michigan group offering music therapy prog...
The nonprofit recently got a $6,000 grant from The Alzheimer’s Foundation of America (AFA) that will help expand its Life Enrichment and Music Therapy program by increasing live performances and opportunities for engagement. The goal is to use music to unite, move, inspire and heal. Music has been shown to improve quality of life as well as mood, cognition and longevity for seniors, the nonprofit said.
Kkr values behavioral-health startup brightline...
Brightline, a provider of virtual behavioral-health services to children and their families, said it is valued at $705 million after raising $105 million from investors led by KKR & Co. Existing investors including Alphabet Inc.’s venture arm GV, Optum Ventures, Oak HC/FT Partners, Threshold Ventures and Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts participated in the funding round, said Naomi Allen, co-founder and chief executive officer of Palo Alto, California-based Brightline.
Sbi foundation, social alpha select top 4 start...
A comfortable wearable assistive technology device for the deaf, a device for pressure injuries and bedsores, a biofluid based diagnostics tool to effectively manage central nervous system diseases and other neurodegenerative conditions, and an AI-powered mobile app that empowers the blind, were the four winning solutions at the recently concluded Techtonic: Innovation in Assistive Technology.
Speech therapy clinic wants to become model
A huge gap in care is inspiring an entrepreneur in Lafayette to open a speech clinic focused on children. Trent Terry and his business partner, Mindy Hibbert, launched Therapy Solutions four years ago with just two therapists and the small company has now grown to more than a dozen therapists on staff and nearly 40 independent contractors throughout the state. The company will soon open its first standalone clinic after relying on school space and home visits for therapy sessions.
Starting an slp business - advice from an slp e...
Perspective and advice on starting an SLP business from SLP entrepreneur @KlassicKacy, a School SLP and the founder of Teach Speech LLC, her own SLP business, centering on parental relationships with their children’s speech therapy processes. Whether you want to cover topics about being an SLP, therapy tips, lifestyle hacks, or any other topic, Kacy's entrepreneurial journey will inspire you to take the leap into being your own boss. See below for more of Kacy's interview.
Communication science and disorders’ will evans...
The announcement of actor Bruce Willis’ aphasia diagnosis is raising awareness of a common condition that few people recognize. More than two million Americans are living with aphasia. “It’s a really common disorder with limited services,” says Will Evans, an assistant professor in the Department of Communication Science and Disorders at the University of Pittsburgh School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (SHRS). “Most people don’t get treatment after the first year or so.”