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    Mai Ling


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    Speech Language Pathologist / Executive Business Consultant

    Doing research for an upcoming presentation, Ethical AI in Speech Therapy: Harnessing the Future with Responsibility, and came across this.

    "The $20 million, UB-led initiative — funded in January by the U.S. National Science Foundation and Institute of Education Sciences — will create artificial intelligence systems that ensure children with speech and language disorders receive timely, effective assistance."

    "Since then (April, 2023) researchers have begun lab researching and building prototypes of two AI systems: the AI Screener, which will identify potential speech and language impairments by listening to and observing children in classrooms; and the AI Orchestrator, which acts as a virtual teaching assistant to SLPs by providing students with ability-based interventions."

    AI is here and can be a positive or negative for speech therapy. What do you think of programs replacing speech-language pathologists?

    Read the entire story by Cory Nealon here:

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